Looking to learn more about aquaculture? You can find more information on the links below. All information provided here comes directly from peer-reviewed or government sources.
- Are mussels the food of the future? (Jan. 2021)
- Cleaning the Seas with Mussel and Oyster Farms (Dec. 2020)
- Meeting global nutrition needs through responsible aquaculture (Dec. 2020)
- The Case for Sustainable Aquaculture: Why It’s Critical for Our World & How You Can Support It (Oct. 2020)
- Big Fish – The Aquaculture Revolution (Collection) (August 2020)
- Sustainability of farmed fish not as bad as previously thought (August 2020)
- Dalhousie research reveals nutritional differences between salmon species (July 2020)
- Report shows farmed salmon’s progress in sustainability (June 2020)
- Fish farms carbon footprint among lowest affirms study (Sept. 2019)
- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With Fish Farming (August 2019)
- Different methods of growing oysters (July 2015)
- Interactions between American lobster (Homarus americanus) and salmonid aquaculture in the Canadian Maritimes (August 2022)
- Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from global aquaculture (July 2020)
- Mission in Action – Creating More Sustainable Salmon Feed
- Aquaculture and… (Video Series)
- Deeper Dive: Land-based salmon farming in British Columbia
- The Future of Aquaculture: Creating a Resilient Industry through Nutrition
- Oysters Clean the Bay
- Mussels at Work: A Time Lapse Demonstration
- “Salmon Farming’s Ripple Effect”
News Outlets
- The Fish Site (Fisheries & Aquaculture)
- Fish Health Forum