January Newsletter

Research & Development Coordinator – Isabelle Tremblay
Outreach Assistant – Natalie Knickle
With Peter moving on we are looking forward to having Isabelle Tremblayon our team as Research & Development Coordinator. Isabelle was born and raised in a Quebec City suburb and carried on a successful path through her education with the completion of her PhD from Université Laval, QC City in 2014. She packed her things and moved to the coast where her interest in aquaculture blossomed through her experience with shellfish, specifically scallops and oysters and more recently, seaweed. Outside of academia and industry, Isabelle finds herself traveling, exploring new places and biking.
Our newest co-op Outreach Assistant Natalie Knickle is a third year Bachelor of Public Relations student at Mount Saint Vincent University. She has grown up on the South Shore of Nova Scotia in Lunenburg where her father was a scallop fisherman for over 25 years. Being raised in that environment has sparked her interest in seafood and having the experience and exposure to the world of aquaculture is very exciting for her.
Ian Sewell (DalAC), Claudio Slamovits (Dalhousie), Tom Smith( AANS), Rod Beresfod (CBU), Peter Sykes (AANS), Susan Dunphy (Aspey Bay), Allison MacIsaacs (Eskasoni Fish & Wildlife), Scott Jeffery (DalAC), Robin Stuart (AANS Board Member), Alex Dunphy (Aspey Bay), Joe Googoo (Waycobah First Nations)
At the beginning of the month Tom and Peter went to Eskasoni, Cape Breton where they hosted an Oyster Hatchery project meeting. The Oyster Hatchery Development Project is intended to improve diseased impacted regions of Nova Scotia. The goal of the project is to develop disease resistant oysters for MSX positive zones as well as an “insurance policy” for non-impacted regions.
Special thanks to Allison MacIsaac and Tom Johnston (Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife) for hosting the meeting.
Ken Montour (Membership Relations Managaer, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business) & Tom Smith in Membertou at the Atlantic Aboriginal Business Match

Sea Farmers Weekend 2017

Last weekend,  AANS members and friends attended the 2017 AANS Annual General Meeting and two important workshops that were hosted by the Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia.

As well, last Friday night, we celebrated our annual Sip n Shuck “seafood night” to a “Sold Out” crowd at the Delta Halifax. Thanks to our partners: Delta Halifax and Taste of Nova Scotia, and to all of our many aquaculture seafood farmers for the fabulous evening.


More than 45 interested participants attended the “Seaweed Cultivation Workshop” last week in Halifax. With more than $6 billion dollars worth of global seaweed business, this important aquaculture sector is viewed as a great growth opportunity for the Nova Scotia economy.
To view some of the excellent presentations please visit seafarmers.ca

Research & Development Discussion Forum

The AANS and the Province of Nova Scotia co-hosted an R&D discussion forum last week to highlight research and development initiatives that will enable future growth for the aquaculture industry in the province. Presentations from AANS along with Dr. Jon Grant (Dalhousie) and John Stairs (AquaPrime Mussel Ranch) provided insight into current R&D projects. Bruce Hancock (DFA) outlined opportunities for Nova Scotia R&D project development.
Thanks to Bill Robertson (RethinkInc) for facilitating the afternoon discussion forum.
Featured above, Charles and Nancy Purdy (Bay Enterprises), Tom with the folks from Blomidon Estate Winery, Colton D’Eon (Eel Lake Oysters) and Max Beausoleil.


2017 Aquaculture Canada / Sea Farmers Conference

(May 28 – 31, 2017)

World Trade and Convention Centre, Halifax, NS.

The AANS Sea Farmers Conference is teaming up with the Aquaculture Association of Canada (AAC) to co-host the AC / SF 2017 Conference and Trade Show.
The theme of the 2017 conference, “Cultivating Our Future”, places focus on the importance of aquacultures role in development opportunities for Canadian rural and coastal communities.

Register for the conference here!

Please note that exhibitor registration is now available. Trade show booths are limited so please register now by clicking below

Exhibitor Registration forms here
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