R&D Priority Setting Session 2020

At AANS we believe it is a priority to consult with our industry members, academia, provincial and federal government to ensure we are engaging in the most relevant R&D avenues.

This year our priority session took place February 6, 2020 at Perennia in Truro. We were pleased to have presenters from:

  • Perennia, Seafood Accelerator Program
  • NRC Industry Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP)
  • Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR)
  • Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NSDFA)
  • Atlantic Fisheries Fund, Nova Scotia (AFF)
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Program (FACTAP)

Despite a snowstorm turnout was strong and we broke into focus groups based on species of interest: shellfish, seaweeds, salmonids and emerging species (eel and striped bass were represented). Each group identified two priorities they would like to see addressed and discussed strategies to reach the goals.


  1. Increasing public trust, education and awareness
  2. Access to seed, there is a strong interest in hatchery development


  1. Increasing public trust, education and awareness 
  2. Improving broodstock through designated breeding and molecular projects. The need and early success of the Rainbow Trout Broodstock project with Huntsman Marine Sciences Centre was highlighted.


  1. Market development and avenues to create value added products
  2. Access to seed and technology to create seeded lines for commercial growth

Emerging Species, Eels and Striped Bass

  1. R&D to improve land-based operations in order to meet effluent targets. There are also limited sites suitable for land-based operations for these species and not all have been identified. 
  2. Broodstock development given regulatory constraints around access to wild eggs and a lack of breeding facilities.

For more information on the R&D Priority Session please contact our Research and Development Coordinator at RDC@seafarmers.ca

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